I've been going in 20 different directions lately, and haven't really had the time, interest, or presence of mind to think about or reflect on Kiddie Cooking Class Part Deux. This version of the class features about half a dozen 4-5 year old girls who are all BFF's, a super-helpful 10 year old boy, a 2 1/2 year old and her mom, and a 4 year old boy who isn't happy about being severely outnumbered by girls. Add to the mix is Jessie a darling of a volunteer assistant, a freshman in highschool. And now a young man who opted for community service rather than a speeding ticket, and got stuck with us. I wonder if he ever wishes he went for the ticket?
I love the randomness of it all, and the slightly chaotic atmosphere that randomness creates.
First class: After I found my bearings and adjusted to the new configuration we made carrot cake cookies with cream cheese frosting. The art project was cookie sculptures. The moms at pick-up fearfully nibbled on the carot cake cookies their kiddles foisted on them and after tasting the cookies I noted their pleased surprise: "These are good!" they said incredulously. I think when parents think of kid's cooking classes they think of mudpies and mushcakes.
Class 2: Soft pretzels with honey mustard. A soundtrack of gleeful "eeeew" and "ohhh" played throughout the messy work of making the dough and rolling it out and shaping it. The art project was naturally Bendaroos- that had them working studiously for almost a half hour as the pretzels baked in the oven.
Class 3: It started off on shaky footing as I didn't have someone to watch my kiddles, and had to add them to the mix. I spent most of the class with Munch on my hip dripping like a snotty faucet (did I mention that he has a cold?). We made blueberry yogurt muffins, which didn't go down so well (not sweet enough) but I was saved by the hot chocolate I stirred up. The art project was engrossing for about 15minutes- and then there was 10 minutes of shrieking, squealing, and other forms of light mischief from my merry band of cooksters.
Next week I'm planning for superbowl themed recipe and art project. I also start a new Kids 'n Cooking program at my kids school.
Hot Chocolate
Pour 6 c. 2% milk into a saucepan and gently heat until it starts to bubble at the sides. Empty 1 bag of semi sweet chocolate chips into saucepan stir until chocolate has melted into milk, stir in 1 tsp. vanilla extract. Serve