Winter Break Day II (Christmas Day):
Hub told me he had to work, and I almost exclaimed "but it's Christmas!" and then realized that we don't celebrate Christmas. It's just so infectious that Christmas spirit! So it was me and les kides plus one (playdate)- baking project was definitely in order. We made 'smores bars with marshmallows, golden grahams, semisweet choc chips. And continued to trash the house. For dinner I made a hearty mid-winter roast.-fa lala la chaim.
'Smores Bars
Melt 1/2 c. butter in a saucepan, add 1 bag of marshmallows to butter and stir vigotously until marshmallows pretty much melt. Pour marshmallows into large pyrex bowl and mix in 5 c. golden grahams cereal and then 1/2 c. of semi-sweet chocolate. Mix well, chocolate will melt and be incorporated in with the marshmallow and golden grahams.
Day III: Not so good, my patience is starting to wear thin, although we did play at least 20 games of Connect Four. Had a minor eruption today- not at the kids, but still... Must work on being more centered "ommmmmmygod"
With treats like these you can forgive anything...even minor blow-ups. Once you figure out the secret to being more centered, let me know. I need to work on that one too. :-)
Have a great New Year's celebration, Rachel. Are you doing anything to celebrate 2010?
Wow that roast looks incredible! I expanded the pic for the larger, zoomed in version and ummmmm yumm :)
Happy New Years!!
Merci pour ton gentil mot Rachel! Tous mes voeux pour 2010. :-)
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